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ABC's 2 Hour Introductory Workshops w/Harriette McDonough
7-9pm Investment: $35 Prepaid Register Below or call 631.223.2781

*Class payments are non-refundable and can not be applied to another class or date.

● ABC’s of EFT (Tapping)

SEPTEMBER  26th 7-9pm
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is the emotional version of acupuncture-but no needles!
We stimulate certain meridian points on the body by tapping on them with our fingertips.
It can help with emotional & physical issues. Harriette is a certified EFT practitioner
trained by the founder, Gary Craig.
Workshop Outline:

  • Presentation of the EFT concepts and why it works and the benefits.

  • Learn the five steps of the Gary Craig Gold Standard Basic Recipe of EFT

  • Practice EFT on your own issues in the presence of a certified EFT practitioner





OCTOBER 17th 7-9pm

This workshop will introduce you to a unique hands-on and off healing technique developed by William Bengston. Also, it is a perfect self-healing and manifesting tool.
It is different, effective and has decades of research studies that consistently display its miraculous results.

Fantasize about your heart’s greatest desires, spin them quickly in your head then watch as each of them come to fruition. Curious? Come learn.



OCTOBER .24th  7-9pm

A vow is a very specialized kind of energetic cord that binds the heart. Vows are always made consciously. They can come from this lifetime or past lifetimes. The vow can be negative, like someone vowing to “take out” someone else. Vows can hinder “free will” in this life.

Types of Past Life Vows:

*to God, as in religious orders; ie silence, obedience, poverty
*to another person, as in marriage or to protect someone
*to a group, as in secret societies.
*To oneself ie to stop abusing harmful substance, silence etc.

This 2 hour workshop is an introduction to finding, clearing or editing vows from past lives or present life to help one open a new stream of positive creative energy for the present life to help improve relationships, careers, and creative pursuits. An easy to learn Muscle testing technique or “applied kinesiology “ is also taught.


NOVEMBER13th 7-9pm
Whether you are painfully aware of your negative life beliefs or have some buried deep in your unconscious mind, decisions you make everyday, big or small, are influenced by these beliefs. Sometimes these decisions bring about unintended consequences.

In this brief introductory workshop, we will explore and you have an opportunity to consciously rewrite 2 main negative core beliefs that all of humanity holds. I’m not good enough I am alone.

An easy to learn Muscle Testing technique or “applied kinesiology “ is also taught.

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