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Lose Weight and Embrace a

Healthy Lifestyle with Group

Weight Loss Hypnosis Sessions


Are you tired of yo-yo dieting and struggling to maintain healthy weight? Do you wish you had a support system to keep you motivated and accountable throughout your weight loss journey? Look no further! Our group weightloss hypnosis sessions at Align Hypnosis are designed to transform your mindset, eliminate cravings, and guide you towards making healthy choices effortlessly.

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This weight loss series consists of three sessions conducted over a four-week period. During these sessions, we provide you with essential information and instrumental tools to transform your eating habits and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Here's a breakdown of the series:

 Session #1 - Week 1: Sunday, July 14th

Kick-start your journey with a comprehensive 90-minute session that sets the foundation for lasting change.


 Session #2 - Week 2: Sunday, July 21st

Follow up with two 75-minute sessions, building upon the knowledge and techniques introduced in the first session.




 Session #3 - Week 4: Sunday, August 4th

Conclude the series with a final session, reinforcing your new found habits and providing additional support to ensure your continued success.


With our group weight loss hypnosis sessions, you have the opportunity to tap into the remarkable power of collective transformation. Surround yourself with a supportive community, harness the strength of group hypnosis, and embark on a journey that will change your life. Together, we will break free from the limitations of diets and discover the true potential within. It's time to embrace a healthier, more vibrant version of yourself.  Join us today and let the power of the group guide you towards a future filled with wellness, confidence, and lasting success. Your transformation starts here.



Special In-Person Event
Dates: Sunday, July 14th - Sunday, July 21st & Sunday, August 14th
Offered at 12:30pm 
with Donna Lee Honeywell, CI BCH. CCH

Investment: $750

Select a Time that is Works for All  Sessions

Terms and Conditions

By purchasing I give my full consent to receiving hypnotherapy sessions from Align Hypnosis Inc. I understand that results vary and that the practitioner may not guarantee results. Hypnotherapy is not a replacement for medical treatment, psychological or psychiatric services or counseling.

I also understand that Align Hypnosis Inc. does not treat, prescribe, or diagnose any condition. 

I agreed to pay the full amount at the time of scheduling.


Refund Policy

All services are non-refundable.

​Our Mission is to create a space for peace and healing to enhance spiritual and personal growth. We are a Teaching - Learning Center - Sharing Together
© EmbraceLight, Ltd.  "We are each of us Angels with only one wing, and we can fly by Embracing one another"​​​​
©â€‹ Copyright Notice: We request that if you use, copy or excerpt any material that you request permission. Any copied material is to include the following: 

© T.Sarin and L. Maglio   All Rights Reserved"

This web site is for informational purposes only. 

This site offers neither diagnosis nor prescription. Nothing you see, read, or buy here is a substitute for the care of medical professional.

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