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A Healing Gift for Humanity


Celestial Music from Joao Cota-Robles
through Frederic Delarue


“The frequency of this Celestial Music communicates with the Divine Intelligence of the body at a cellular level raising the consciousness of each cell. As the music soothes and comforts the cells, the body’s natural ability to heal itself is enhanced.

“The frequency of this Celestial Music communicates with the Divine Intelligence of the body at a

cellular level raising the consciousness of each cell. As the music soothes and comforts the cells,

the body’s natural ability to heal itself is enhanced.

“This sacred music is compatible and works in harmony with every healing modality or

medical treatment a personmay choose to experience. The music resonates with an additional

blessing for everyone who is dealing with any form of cancer.

“This music is a gift from On High and it is never to be bought or sold.

Please share this information with everyone you feel would benefit from this sacred gift of Celestial Music.”
Joao Cota-Robles

For background information for Musical Rapture:


​Our Mission is to create a space for peace and healing to enhance spiritual and personal growth. We are a Teaching - Learning Center - Sharing Together
© EmbraceLight, Ltd.  "We are each of us Angels with only one wing, and we can fly by Embracing one another"​​​​
©â€‹ Copyright Notice: We request that if you use, copy or excerpt any material that you request permission. Any copied material is to include the following: 

© T.Sarin and L. Maglio   All Rights Reserved"

This web site is for informational purposes only. 

This site offers neither diagnosis nor prescription. Nothing you see, read, or buy here is a substitute for the care of medical professional.

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